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Sample Application and Personal Statement

Application and Personal Statement



AcademicとNon academicの達成が審査されます。審査方法は専門のReader2人or3人が1つの願書を審査します。


審査項目は成績評価GPA、個人の質(リーダーシップやモチベーションなど)、学力や大学の文化に対する貢献が期待される、試験結果SAT, TOEFL (無くても良い)、Berkeleyのenrichment programsでの成果、その他証拠となる過去の業績など。


最も重要なのはGPAとエッセイ(Personal Statement)です。入試試験がない代わりにGPAは細かく審査されます。GPAの傾向を図る為に4つのGPAを提出します。(詳細は下記に記載)

  • Complete 60 transferable semester unit (GPA3.0以上)

  • Complete courses for the major (

  • Complete general education requirements (IGETC)









GPA: Grade Point Average

1, Overall GPA UC Applicationに記入
2, UC Transferable GPA myBerkeleyApplicationに記入
3, IGETC GPA myBerkeleyApplicationに記入
4, Major requirement GPA  myBerkeleyApplicationに記入
Activities and Awards: 課外活動 

Video Tutorial for UC Application

November 1-31

Check Your Deadline NOW!

Personal Statement


エッセイの質問はほぼ毎年同じで2つ(Total 1000 words)+Additional Comment (500 words)の計3つです。
下記のエッセイは私(Takuya Suzuki)が実際に出願時に提出したエッセイです。
①What is your intended major? Discuss how your interest in the subject developed and describe any experience you have had in the field — such as volunteer work, internships and employment, participation in student organizations and activities — and what you have gained from your involvement.
  My academic career started relatively late compared to my peers. My intended major is political economy. My goal in studying this field is to improve working environment. After graduating from high school, my first work experience was in construction. Going into blue-collar labor was largely a result of my disinterest in education; I was not a stellar student growing up and never thought about higher education. After one year of repetitive and mundane work, I thought more about educating myself to improve my work and overall life. I enrolled at a community college in Japan and buckled down, passing the computer science certification exam from the Japanese government. I was then employed by a reputable IT company and was content there because it was a vast improvement from my early years. Then in 2008, the financial crisis took the world by storm and once again I found myself at a crossroads.
      When the financial crisis occurred, I came to see that politics and economics have a strong impact on every person's life. This fueled my desire to study political economy to learn more about how all of these systems, businesses, governments, and society as a whole interact. The situation at my own company particularly struck a chord with me. For example, my principal client asked to end our contract in Japan because they decided to outsource facilities overseas to reduce labor costs. After following their progress I noticed their profits increased, their work circumstances brightened, and their employees were happier. My company, however, was much worse off. My coworkers feared the uncertainty of the crisis, causing a very stressful work environment. Personally, I felt pressured to increase sales, but I unfortunately could not keep up with the unrealistic expectations I set for myself I could not make a better work environment alone.
      Later, the Japanese government subsidized many companies facing bankruptcy, including my own. Why did the crisis occur in the first place? Why were companies moving away from domestic suppliers to foreign suppliers? What business did the Japanese government have in bailing our industry out? While I could feel that the market was tough, I lacked an understanding of the reasons behind the crisis; I lacked a foundation in political and economic knowledge. It was from there that I decided to study more about politics and economics.
      The economy has a large impact on business, politics and individuals and causes hardships when it abruptly changes. I wish to learn about political economy in order to overcome obstacles and improve the working environment of others around me. I need to understand the macroscopic causes that so strongly affect the microscopic work environment of individuals. I want to know how these issues can be managed, and to do so from many perspectives. I also hope to gain knowledge of related topics such as politics and the historical impact of financial crises. In order to lead others, I plan on finding solutions to many unexpected situations. I can most effectively do this as a political economy major.


②Tell us about a personal quality, talent,  accomplishment, contribution or experience that is important to you. What makes you proud, and how does it relate to the person you are?

 In the past year, I founded a student organization called "Off and On Study Abroad" and it has really taken off. The purpose of Off and On is to connect offline international students who study in the United Stated with online Japanese students who want to study abroad. Through this experience, I have learned that I can make a change for the better with a bit of determination, ambition and leadership.
     I created a website to share useful information about how to prepare for studying abroad in addition to the process of transferring to a university from a junior college. Transferring is not the norm for Japanese students and finding helpful information toward that path is even more difficult. I realized that personal experience is the best source of information. I spent months interviewing Japanese UC Berkeley students about their experience in America. I turned those interviews into articles about their unique and courageous stories as a way to share advice through my organization's webpage. Over the past year, these interviews and articles have turned into a valuable resource for students in America and Japan and we have received great responses from viewers who said they gained strength and inspiration to work as hard as the students they read about on Off and On's website.
     Recently, Off and On participated in an education project. This was a project organized by the American and Japanese governments to provide opportunities for studying abroad to 300 students from Fukushima and other regions devastated by the 2011 tsunami. These 300 students visited UC Berkeley, and met with Japanese people who are currently working or studying in the United States. My organization had the honor of representing Japanese students in America. We organized student speakers and created presentations to exhibit our own experiences and the unique education system here in America, particularly the community college transfer system. This is very foreign for many Japanese students, who are used to single tests that determine their entire academic careers, a system that does not provide many options in building multiple interests. One student's story in particular stuck with me. He originally planned to work in his hometown, but it was destroyed by the tsunami. Working with him throughout the project, he acknowledged that America's education system would allow him flexibility to explore his interests and find a new path. While our situations in life are different, he and I were able to find common ground on the importance of education in changing the direction of one's life.
     Using my Off and On website and participating in the education project has given me the opportunity to contribute to positive changes in peoples' lives. I feel a great sense of pride in the impact it has, however large or small. Though Off and On is still just starting, I am determined to continue the organization's goal of motivating others and incorporate it into my experiences at the University of California and beyond.

Additional Comment

If you wish, you may use this space to tell us anything else you want us to know about you that you have not had the opportunity to describe elsewhere in the application.
  I would like to thank my family and convey what motivates me to do my best. Without their support, I would not overcome obstacles and improve my life.
  My family has supported me not only financially but also emotionally. Even though classmates bullied me when I was in elementary school, and I did not have many friends, my mother always pushed me to be strong and continue going to school. If she had not pushed me, I would have remained timid and possibly unhappy with my social life and dropped out of school. I was able to make friends in middle school, but I was frequently absent from school, stayed out late and took part in questionable behavior. I resented and argued with my father very often, but now, I am very grateful for his instruction. During this rebellious stage, the person I trusted and relied on the most was my sister who provided me emotional support. My sister has a serious medical condition, but my father worked hard in order to make sure she would be provided for her medical fees. When I quit my IT job and told my father that I wanted to study, he not only approved of my decision, and assisted in full support, both financially and emotionally, but also said that I could choose to study abroad. I knew this would be more costly and much of the money would come out of the savings for my sister. He wanted to invest in me so that our family would be better off. Even though the investment runs a high risk, I do not want to throw this opportunity and privilege away. I know that I lack a broad range of knowledge to succeed in college but I can catch up to others with my drive and sacrifices. I am strongly convinced that I will live up to my family's expectation because my family's trust motivates me to greater efforts.
  I have always felt their love and trust. I want to take this with me to succeed in the future so that I can repay them to provide financial support after I graduate. I strongly desire to help my family emotionally as much as they assisted me. After I study at college and accomplish my goals, I want to devote my life to help support my family.
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